Formation instructeur Emergo 11 au 13 sept 2024 – (En anglais – In English)

1,500.00 $

*Taxes non-incluses

Disponibilité : 24 disponibles
Catégorie :
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Dates : 11-12-13 september

Duration: 3 days

24 disponibles

Target audience

Healthcare professionals and emergency responders involved in disaster and emergency management (doctors, nurses, paramedics, firefighters, public health officials, law enforcement officers and frontline workers).


The Emergo tabletop simulation is a learning and simulation tool used to test and evaluate emergency and disaster response plans. The tool can be adapted to any disaster scenario or context. The CHUM Academy is the only North American Emergo Faculty. Its mission is to train instructors who can design and run Emergo tabletop simulations in their environment, and thus improve team preparedness to respond to emergency situations.

** Tabletop simulation equipment is not included in the training. With the Emergo Instructor title, participants will be able to order start-up material to design activities in their environment.


After the course, the participant will be able to plan, design, lead and evaluate an Emergo tabletop simulation activity.

Faculté Emergo du CHUM

Avec la Faculté Emergo du CHUM, le Centre d’apprentissage et de simulation innove en offrant la formation instructeur Emergo. Découvrez ce système de simulation unique en Amérique du Nord !